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A Strange Awakening......

.....On the planet Mars. With process images :)

Sneak peek final Illustration from 'The Lock' book 2. - here i decided to move the dead astronaught, mainly for compositional reasons, grouping all the focal/story elements into a tight central region of the painting.

Sneak peek final Illustration from 'The Lock' book 2. - here i decided to move the dead astronaught, mainly for compositional reasons, grouping all the focal/story elements into a tight central region of the painting.

Mid way through the painting process - at this point the dead astronaught is still in the foreground.

Mid way through the painting process - at this point the dead astronaught is still in the foreground.

This is my super loose photo comp - reference is essential,  i like to go a bit further and make a very rough cut composite to use as my reference. I like to aviod actually using photos in my final images these years...

This is my super loose photo comp - reference is essential, i like to go a bit further and make a very rough cut composite to use as my reference. I like to aviod actually using photos in my final images these years...

Rover in situ on Mars, with our intrepid (and somewhat confused) hero

Rover in situ on Mars, with our intrepid (and somewhat confused) hero

The rover drawing worked up - i used modern day off road vehicles and NASA prototypes as reference during the design process.

The rover drawing worked up - i used modern day off road vehicles and NASA prototypes as reference during the design process.

My initial sketch  (1 of 5) for this composition

My initial sketch (1 of 5) for this composition